To file a complaint with the Iowa Division of Credit Unions (IDCU), you must submit it in writing. After receiving it, we will investigate as soon as possible. The Credit Union Auditing Committee or other officials will receive a copy of the complaint. Please do not share any personally identifiable details in the form.

We cannot serve as a judge or a lawyer in contract disputes. If the issue is or was addressed in court, we will not pursue the complaint.

There are 3 ways to file your complaint:

  1. ONLINE: Complete the online complaint form on the secure portal site.  This requires an email address.
  2. MAIL: Submit a paper complaint form via regular mail.  You can request a form by Contacting the IDCU Office.
  3. EMAIL: Email with the following information:
    • Your general contact information
    • The name of the credit union
    • A description of the complaint
    • The desired resolution